The Review of Keynesian Studies
The Review of Keynesian Studies (The RKS)
The RKS is an official journal for the KSJ. It is published in English on an annual basis. It aims at covering a wide area reflecting the Basic Principles of the KSJ. It targets the higher academic levels and is open to the world.
Guidelines for Articles
1. Submissions should be original and previously unpublished papers only.
2. The Editorial Committee shall decide the acceptance of all submitted papers. After an initial screening, submitted papers will go through the usual refereed process.
3. The papers will be assessed based on the evidence of two anonymous referees.
4. The KSJ will retain the copyright for all publications in the RKS.
5. It should be submitted by e-mail to
Submitted Article Format for the RKS
Each paper must comply with the following conditions:
1. It should be written in English, using MS-Word.
Fundamental font used for the text: Times New Roman 12 point
Footnotes should be used (at the bottom of the page to which they are referenced): Times New Roman 10 point.
Basic structure: Introduction, I, II, III ..., Conclusion, References
Section I, II, III ... might have 1, 2, 3 ... for sub-section.
2 It should not exceed 8,000 words.
3. It should be accompanied by an abstract of about 250 words (not exceeding 300 words), including the title, the author's name.
4. Up to five JEL Classification Numbers
(E.g.B22, B32, I31) and up to five keywords should be included in the paper, below the title.
5. The author's affiliation should be shown in an e-mail.
A sample for this format is downloadable and usable for a submitted paper.
Editorial Committee
© Keynes Society Japan