The Review of Keynesian Studies Vol.2 (Nov. 2020)
The Review of Keynesian Studies
Vol.2 November 2020
Downloadable at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k9-43ul0l3P0iDuCUvQKsENJhacuBPFs/view?usp=sharing</p>
Table of Contents
Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, Mistrusting the Free-Market Economy: Keynes's Revolution in Economic Thinking 1
Robert W. Dimand, Keynesian Economics at the Cowles Commission 22
Rod O'Donnell, Maynard Keynes and William Paley: Rarely Explored
Connections 46
Willi Semmler, Alexander Haider and Andreas Lichtenberger,
The State of the Business Cycle, Financial Fragility and the Multiplier 78
Atsushi Naito, Nominality of Money: Theory of Credit Money
and Chartalism 122
Toichiro Asada, Coordinated Fiscal and Monetary Stabilization
Policy in the Manner of MMT: A Study by Means of Dynamic
Keynesian Model 148
Romar Correa, Some Microeconomics of Quantum
Macroeconomics 175
[Book Reviews]
James Crotty, Keynes against Capitalism: His Economic Case for Liberal SocialismLondon and New York: Routledge, 2019, pp.xii+397
Nobuhiro Ito 191
Mark G. Hayes, John Maynard Keynes: The Art of Choosing the Right Model: Cambridge: Polity, 2019, pp.xv + 195
Yuichi Kimura 195
Piero Ferri, Minsky's Moment: An Insider's View on the Economics of Hyman Minsky Cheltenham and Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2019, pp.xi+252
Ryuzo Kuroki 202
The Keynes Society Japan I-IX